Work experience opportunities

Work Experience

Apprenticeship | Internship | Traineeship

Gaining practical know-how with an employer is an invaluable way to increase your knowledge and understanding of a particular role, industry, or career path.

Work experience in different jobs can help young people gain a better understanding of what they may be interested in, as well as help career changers or those returning to the labour market after a career break to transition into a new sector. This type of experience can also help people build confidence in their abilities and skills, gain perspective on what particular industries may involve, and develop stronger relationships and networks with potential employers.

Ultimately, gaining practical experience with an employer is a great way to grow your skillset and gain valuable insight into your chosen field.


Apprenticeship is a system for training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study.


An internship is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience in a professional setting. It allows individuals to learn new skills and gain insight into the industry they are involved in. Through an internship, individuals have the chance to apply their skills in a real-life situation, where they can observe how the industry works and discover what it entails.


A traineeship is a great way to get your foot in the door of the sector you’re interested in. It gives you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in your dream job while also improving your employability skills.